Theatre o.N.

Puppet and puppet Theatre | acting | musical Theatre | dance Theatre

Short portrait The "Theatre o.N." emerged from the GDR Theatre group "Zinnober". It creates cultural events for people of all ages, regardless of their social or cultural background. cultural background. With productions for children from the age of 2 and the FRATZ festival, the "Theatre o.N." sets national and international impulses in the performing performing arts for the youngest. Already with the Theatre for the youngest from the age of 2, "Theatre o.N." uses hybrid forms in its productions. in its productions. Other focal points are cultural education and the form of biographical Theatre. The "Theatre o.N." has been nominated five times for the IKARUS Theatre award five times, including three times with productions for children children from the age of 2, in 2019 with "Future Beats" for children from 0.5 years.

Direction Dagmar Domrös, Doreen Markert, Vera Strobel

Founded in 1980 as Theatre Zinnober / 1989 as Theatre o.N.

Age group Children 2-6 years | children 6-11 years | young adults | adults

Type Theatre with fixed venue

Plays in the visitor promotion program All plays for children and young people in the program / plays from guest performances that are in the visitor promotion


Theater o.N. "Sound square
Theatre o.N. "Sound square
© Theatre o.N.

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