Theatre Fusion

Logo | Theater Fusion
Logo | Theatre Fusion

Puppet and Figure Theatre | Acting

Short portrait The "Theatre Fusion" exists since 2002 as a free Theatre without a fixed venue. With humor and deep seriousness it tells its stories of love and respect for life and respect for life, of meaning, courage and confidence. Founder Susanne Olbrich performs solo or with partners. The productions are created in with artists of other genres such as music, film and sound art. Thus a wide variety of theatrical means and the repertoire. The spectrum ranges from the realization of own stories to the theatrical version of modern children's books to Theatre concerts with orchestra.

Direction Susanne Olbrich

Founded in 2002

Age group Children 2-6 years | Children 6-12 years

Type Mobile Theatre in various venues

Plays in the visitor promotion All plays for children and young people of the Theatre


Theater Fusion "Wiggle Tooth Thriller"
Theatre Fusion "Wiggle Tooth Thriller"
© Joachim Dette

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