Theatre 7Shoe

Puppet and Figure Theatre | Schauspiel

Short portrait Theatre 7Schuh has existed at two locations since 2010: in Berlin and Görlitz. It was founded by Anne Swoboda and Sabine Kolbe. In Berlin, Sabine Kolbe performs plays for children as Theatre 7Schuh Berlin. Theatre 7Schuh develops plays for children in the artistic working process together with changing directors, visual artists and musicians own play templates of the productions. An associative approach is combined with stringent scenic action.

Direction Sabine Kolbe

Founded in 2010

Age group Children 3-6 years | Children 6-11 years

Type Mobile Theatre in various venues

Plays in visitor promotion All plays for children and young people of the Theatre


Theater 7 Shoe "The word catcher"
Theatre 7 Shoe "The word catcher"
© Theatre 7Schuh

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