© Kay Herschelmann
© Kay Herschelmann



IKARUS History






IKARUS History





IKARUS History

  • IKARUS 21.0

    IKARUS celebrates the diversity and creativity of Berlin Theatre productions and projects for children and young people in pandemic times with a certain edition
    IKARUS 21.0
  • IKARUS 2020

    The IKARUS 2020 goes to "The Ugly Duckling" by the Theatre collective ZIRKUSMARIA
    IKARUS 2020
  • IKARUS 2019

    "Dschabber" and "Distinguish yourselves! Ein Gesellschaftsspiel" win the children's and youth Theatre award IKARUS 2019!
    IKARUS 2019
  • IKARUS 2018

    "Once Snow White, Please" and "The Chicken Opera" win the Children's and Youth Theatre Award IKARUS 2018!
    IKARUS 2018
  • IKARUS 2017

    The IKARUS 2017 goes to "Peng! Bang! Boateng!" from Heimathafen Neukölln
    IKARUS 2017
  • IKARUS 2016

    The IKARUS 2016 went to "The Cave Child" from the Flying Theatre
    IKARUS 2016
  • IKARUS 2015

    The IKARUS 2015 went to "Bruno's Adventures" by Nicole Gospodarek and to "THE WORKING DEAD" by Theatre STRAHL
    IKARUS 2015
  • IKARUS 2014

    DER IKARUS 2014 went to "Spaghettihochzeit" by ATZE MusikTheatre
    IKARUS 2014
  • IKARUS 2013

    The IKARUS 2013 went to the production "R O S E S - einsam.gemeinsam" by Theatre STRAHL in cooperation with the Dutch dance company DE DANSERS and SZENE BUNTE WÄHNE (Austria).
    IKARUS 2013
  • IKARUS 2012

    The IKARUS 2012 for the best production for children was awarded to "Frau Holle" by ATZE MusikTheatre. The IKARUS 2012 for the best production for young people was awarded to "Weißbrotmusik" by Theatre STRAHL as a co-production with bat StudioTheatre in cooperation with UdK Berlin.
    IKARUS 2012
  • IKARUS 2011

    "Radau!" from Theatre AN DER PARKAUE was awarded as best production for children, "So lonely" from GRIPS Theatre received the prize for best production for young people.
    IKARUS 2011
  • IKARUS 2010

    The IKARUS 2010 went to "Little Red Riding Hood" by Daniel Wagner from the Theatre auf der Zitadelle and to the opera "City of Dogs" composed by Sinem Altan from the Neuköllner Oper.
    IKARUS 2010
  • IKARUS 2009

    The IKARUS 2009 went to Duck, Death and Tulip from Theatre COUTURIER & IKKOLA
    IKARUS 2009
  • IKARUS 2007

    The IKARUS 2007 was awarded to the "check-off players berlin" for their production of Igor Bauersima's "Norway Today".
    IKARUS 2007
  • IKARUS 2006

    With the music Theatre piece "Bach - The Life of a Musician", the ATZE MusikTheatre is awarded the IKARUS in 2006.
    IKARUS 2006
  • IKARUS 2005

    Grips Theatre receives the IKARUS 2005 for their production of Nellie Goodbye.
    IKARUS 2005
  • IKARUS 2004

    The co-production "Alle Kühe fliegen hoch" (All Cows Fly High) by the Staatspoperette and the ATZE MusikTheatre is awarded the IKARUS in 2004.
    IKARUS 2004
  • IKARUS 2003

    The IKARUS 2003 goes to Theatre Strahl for "Genau wie immer: Alles anders".
    IKARUS 2003
  • IKARUS 2002

    The Flying Theatre is awarded the IKARUS in 2002 for their production "Mondtücher".
    IKARUS 2002

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